Continuing in his series The Table of Demons, Pastor Tom's message this week is titled Who's Voice is in My Head? He starts by telling us that everything we do comes from inside our heads. He lists the four voices we all have in our heads: you, your memories, God's voice, and demonic voices.
We need to know when it's the voice of Jesus we are hearing. John 10:27 - "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Every thought we have that combats God's Word and Will is demonic. In Hebrews 4:12- we are told that the Holy Spirit is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Bible wants to go past our minds and put inside our hearts the thoughts and intents of God.
We encourage you to watch this message and learn how to evaluate your thoughts with scripture, hear God's voice, and become one with Him. Let the Glory of God bind us together!