This Resurrection Sunday's message was given by Pastor Josh. He is continuing his Armor of God series by covering the Breastplate of Righteousness which pairs well with the theme of Resurrection Sunday. Righteousness is whatever is right and pleasing to God. The Breastplate of Righteousness protects our hearts from the enemy who is trying to convince us that we aren't right with God. Living sinless lives doesn't make us right with God, we are made right with God because Jesus was raised from the dead. Romans 3:25- "He was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised to life to make us right with God." God's gift of righteousness is a reflection of God's character, not ours. We need to base our relationship with God NOT on what we do but solely on what JESUS did. We encourage you to watch this special Sunday message on the Breastplate of Righteousness and learn that God loves you and that Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection leads to a life of bearing the fruit of righteousness.